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The result of too much listening to Section 25
The result of too much listening to Section 25

Further to the recent post about the Fall, I’d like to add a few sessions that have come into my grubby mitts since I wrote about the artists concerned.
First up, the Freddy Fresh session I posted was so popular that I went on a hunt for that elusive first session, which went out live from Yalding House, Studio 4 on 23 February 1999. No mean feat, since Peel shows from 1999 are decidedly thin on the ground: but thanks to the wonderful Martin of the Peel Mailing List, it can now be enjoyed in all its refashioned, spiky retro glory. This shows Freddy at his most eclectic, mixing in plenty of break beats and ghostly whispers of soul, funk and the kitchen sink. Scintillating and addictive.

Freddy Fresh, Peel Session 1999-02-23

Secondly, the session I never thought existed. Several websites claimed that Simple Minds only recorded one Peel session, in 1979. Not so. A second (and final) one was aired on 01 March 1982, and heavily plugged the New Gold Dream masterwork. By this time, though, the band was progging its way to the stadium, and by 1995 Peel was sneeringly proclaiming that he preferred them when they were called Johnny And The Self Abusers. Tell the difference between these and the vinyl versions if you can.

Simple Minds, Peel Session 1982-02-15

Promised You A Miracle/Love Song/Sons And Fascination/King Is White And In The Crowd

Finally, thanks once again to the mighty Martin for a long lost session by a thundering and memorable combo called American TV Cops…so long lost that the lead guitarist, Dale Farrington, wrote to me asking if I had it, since he had emigrated to Thailand and no longer had a copy. Now returned to the catalogue (all the songs for this one are on one file, by the way) and Dale’s ears. He wrote a full account for the Peel Wiki, which you can read here, painstakingly edited by myself. The band never had a Festive Fifty entry, but this superb recording more than makes up for that. (Incidentally, Dale, if you’re reading this, please get in touch and let me know if you’re OK.)

American TV Cops, Peel Session 1995-01-15

Captain Marvel/Pervy Dymo/Cruiser/Thirst/Lipsplint